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File Transfer City Banner
Document and
File Transfers


We have several methods you may utilize to transfer documents and information to us.  You may any of the services below.  However, once you send us documents through one method, you don't need to duplicate the process through another.



This is our preferred method of transfer as it is secure and places your documents directly into your personal file.  You will also be able to access any files we have available to you.  To use our SmartVault portal, you will receive an email invitation from our office.  You will need to click on the link in the email to create a SmartVault portal user ID and password.  Once your account has been created, you will be taken to your vault. You may upload documents to the Source Document folder in the appropriate year.


Intuit Link is used to upload documents while filling out the Tax Organizer questionnaire.  We can request documents from you here and alert us when you have completed the requests.  


Please watch for your Intuit Link invite when we send out the Tax Organizer.  Registration is simple, just use your email address and a password of your choice.


HIGHTAIL works like a dropbox and is another secure method you may use.  Click on the icon for direct access to our secure file transfer.  *Please note that does not function on U.S. government or many corporate computers due to firewall configurations.  Please use a personal computer to access the program.  Please see the instructions for using the HIGHTAIL site and its terms and conditions of use at  Brenner Global Associates, LLC takes no responsibility for security of, use of, or data stored on HIGHTAIL.


Should you have trouble using our secure transfers above, you may send us your documents via email as long as you password protect any sensitive materials (i.e. items with social security numbers).  We suggest using the last 6-digits of the primary taxpayers social security number as the password.

Brenner Global Associates Globe

Address: P.O.Box 6161 Kingwood, TX 77325

We are a firm of dedicated professionals focused on the tax and accounting needs of small and mid-sized businesses and individuals requiring international and multi-state expertise.

© 2021 by Brenner Global Associates

Phone: 281-360-2800

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Address: 4025 Feather Lakes Way No. 6161 Kingwood, TX 77339

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